NYU Mind, Ethics, and Policy Program

The NYU Mind, Ethics, and Policy Program is dedicated to understanding the sentience and moral status of nonhumans, including animals and AI systems. Its vision is a world in which all sentient beings are treated with respect and compassion.

Cooperative AI Foundation

The Cooperative AI Foundation supports research that aims to improve the cooperative intelligence of advanced AI for the benefit of all. We provided the seed funding for the founding of the organization.

Center on Long-Term Risk

The Center on Long-Term Risk conducts research aimed at ensuring that emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence do not risk causing suffering on an unprecedented scale.

Foundations of Cooperative AI Lab

The Foundations of Cooperative AI Lab is focused on creating foundations of game theory appropriate for advanced, autonomous AI agents – with a focus on achieving cooperation. We made a grant to Carnegie Mellon University to provide the seed funding for the founding of the organization.